Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Here are my Earth Day resolutions:
1. Start buying biodegrable healthcare and cleaning products.
2. Eat two meat-free dinners a week.
3. Use both sides of printer paper. I'll either run it through my printer, or let Ethan used it as drawing paper. Also, I've started saving paper from junk mail that is only printed on one side for this purpose.
4. Instead of pouring water from cups down the drain, water my garden with it.
5. Fill a small cup with water and use that to brush my teeth with instead turning on the faucet.
6. Turn the water off in the shower while I'm soaping up.
7. Try to buy as much organic food as possible.

Hopefully I'll have an easier time keeping these resolutions than my New Year's ones.


Kathleen said...

Hey I just ordered a book about making your own homemade products, I'll have to give it to you sometime. It looks really good and is $10 on amazon. The water thing is a great idea, i always keep a bucket in the kitchen or the bath tub if there are wandering hands for that purpose. I will have to e-mail you funny thing about that though!

Anonymous said...

I did my how green are you quiz and was disappointed with a 68! Thanks for all the ideas I will do more too.

EatPlayLove said...

That's a great start! Don't forget re-usable shopping bags and we picked you up a great big one at the luncheon! That makes a huge difference.